Washington Guzheng Society
The Washington guzheng Society was founded in 2000 as a non-profit music group. Led by art director Bing Xia, Washington guzheng Society has been committed to promoting traditional Chinese music and culture since its establishment. For more than twenty years, the group has been active on the art stages in Washington. The Zheng Society is not only often invited to perform at institutions such as the Smithsonian Museum, Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, Library of Congress, Chinese Embassy, University of Maryland, Baltimore Meyerhoff Symphony Hall, National Botanical Garden, George Washington University Lisner Auditorium and other institutions, the group has also joined professional TV recordings for PBS cultural programs and played live concerts on radio. Members range in age from 8 to 80 years old. Adult members come from all walks of life, including lawyers, aerospace workers, teachers, doctors, researchers, financial industry practitioners, computer engineers, etc. Youth members include students from first grade to college. Through years of guzheng learning and stage performance, the students have exercised their perseverance, showing confidence and a positive mental outlook. Use their talent in playing the guzheng, the youth members get accepted by their preferred colleges: University of Maryland, University of Virginia, Brown University, MIT, Cornell University, New York University, Columbia University, Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh, Vanderbilt University, Georgetown University, UC Berkeley, Northwestern University, Duke university, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Emory University, UIUC, etc. The performers in the group represent the highest level of music skills in the area, many members have earned highest level certificates of the China National Musical Instrument Artistic Cultivation Performance Examination, one has won the Top Jack Kent Cooke Young Artist Award, and many have won multiple international and domestic music awards (such as the American Protégé International Music Talent Competition, etc.). The Washington Post once gave a highly complementary review of Ms. Bing Xia's performance. Today, Chinese folk music and cultural enthusiasts in DC metro area can not only enjoy the wonderful performances of the performers on various occasions, but also learn with the members through our annual recital and concert. We sincerely welcome more friends to join the enjoyment, learning, and dissemination of traditional Chinese music performed on authentic traditional Chinese instruments.
The Washington Guzheng Society is a non-profit organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please contact info@guzhengusa.org if you are interested to make a donation. All donations to The Washington Guzheng Society are deductible for federal income and estate tax purposes.
华盛顿筝乐团创建于2000年,是一个非营利的音乐团体。在艺术指导夏冰老师的带领下,乐团自成立之时,就致力于弘扬与传播中国传统音乐与文化,二十余年如一日,一直活跃在华府的艺术舞台上。乐团不仅经常受邀在史密斯博物馆、肯尼迪艺术剧院、卡耐基音乐厅、国会图书馆、中国大使馆、马里兰大学、巴尔的摩交响音乐厅、国家植物园、李斯纳剧院等机构演出,还参与过音乐电视节目、广播电台直播音乐会等的录制。乐团成员年龄从8岁至80岁。成人成员来自各行各业,有律师、航天工作者、教师、医生、科研人员、金融行业从业者、电脑工程师等。青少年成员则包括从小学一年级到大学的学生。学生们通过多年的古筝学习与舞台演奏,锻炼了毅力,呈现出自信与积极的精神面貌。乐团的学生们因为演奏古筝的才艺而被心仪的大学录取,包括马里兰大学、维吉尼亚大学、布朗大学、麻省理工、康奈尔大学、纽约大学、哥伦比亚大学、卡内基梅隆大学、匹兹堡大学、范德堡大学、乔治城大学、加州伯克利大学、西北大学、杜克大学、普林斯顿大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、埃默里大学、伊利诺伊香槟分校等。作为华府地区演奏水平一流的民乐团体,乐团成员中多人获得了中国音乐学院校外考级古筝最高级别演奏文凭级证书,一人获得杰克库肯青年艺术家大奖,多人多次获得多项国际国内音乐大奖(如全美青少年国际钢琴提琴比赛、美国国际亚裔青少年音乐比赛等)。华盛顿邮报曾对夏冰女士的演奏给予高度评价。今天,华府的中国民乐、文化爱好者不仅仅可以在各种文艺舞台上欣赏到筝乐团的精彩表演,还可以借着筝乐团年度音乐观摩演奏会,与筝乐团的团员们互相交流和学习。 我们真诚的欢迎更多的朋友加入中国民族乐器的学习和传播行列。