The Washington Guzheng Society 2007 Concert - Sep. 15, 2007, Trio: Pastoral 田園 Previous 大华府地区2011春晚-筝与钢琴 Next General's Command 将军令 You Might Also Like The Eternal Sorrow in Lin’an 临安遗恨 Blooming Flowers and Full Moon - 花好月圆 Peacocks Love 孔雀东南飞 Along the River During the Qingming Festival 清明上河图 Game of Thrones 冰火之歌/权力的游戏
The Washington Guzheng Society 2007 Concert - Sep. 15, 2007, Trio: Pastoral 田園 Previous 大华府地区2011春晚-筝与钢琴 Next General's Command 将军令 You Might Also Like The Eternal Sorrow in Lin’an 临安遗恨 Blooming Flowers and Full Moon - 花好月圆 Peacocks Love 孔雀东南飞 Along the River During the Qingming Festival 清明上河图 Game of Thrones 冰火之歌/权力的游戏